Anyone who wishes to request funds from the PTO needs to complete the PTO Funding Request Form.
Click Here | Funding Request Form
The St. Ann Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) seeks to foster a deeper mutual understanding among members of the St. Ann community, parents of St. Ann Catholic School & Young Child Center (YCC) students, and members of the faculty and staff, particularly with respect to the educational, spiritual, and cultural objectives of the school & YCC.
President: Kari Cohen
President Elect: Tori Brown
Past President: Carrie Condon
Treasurer: Kelli Williams & Jen Hummer
Secretary: Meg Adkins
Principal: Mrs. Kelli Minshall
Pastor: Father Mitchel Zimmerman
Staff Representative: Mrs. Staci Hadel
Decor: Jessica Hagg, Angela Gatz, Elia DePaz & Molly Taylor
Enrichment: Emily Hutsell & Megan Standefer
Faith & Discipleship: Laura Schmeidler & Staci Reintjes
Fundraising: Ashley Young, Tori Brown, Claire Arkin & Abby Alphs
Health & Wellness: Jenna Wiggins & Heather Rosburg
Helping Hands/Secret Pals: Alyssa Hermreck & Lauren Bauer
Hospitality: Kristin Maxwell, Ashley Stout, Emily Greene, Molly Johnson, Lindsay Baker
Literacy: Bethany Reintjes & Darcy Cowan
My Hot Lunch Box: Gina Robinson & Kristin Beerman
New Family: Emmie Cohen & Danica O'Neill
Parent Volunteers: Allison Smith & Emily Greene
PR: Special Events & Social Media: Melissa Santos, Julie Bradway, Cara Hennessey & Angeli Bodenhamer
Spirit Day Cafe: Stesha Black & Leeze Gaudreau
Spirit Nights: Hillary Carter & Stephanie Holland
Spirit Wear: Liz Krsnich & Kristi Burmeister
Staff Appreciation: Mindy Gunter & Ali Panos
Tiger Trot: Angela Evangelidis & Alissa Jackson
YCC: Kiah Kollman, Allie Robson, Ashley Stout & Madison Kistner