This week was special since we celebrated our incredible office staff! We are so grateful for all that Mrs. Susie Lutz and Mrs. Cristina Spaedy do to keep our school safe and running! You ladies are the best!
On Tuesday, the students had the chance to gather with their Pen Friends in the Parish Hall. It was such an awesome experience for the children to make a connection with members of the Parish community.
We had a great kick-off to the week watching the eclipse, then a beautiful Benediction & Adoration with the Archbishop on Tuesday, the book fair has been a huge hit, the 8th graders learned about the Eucharistic Miracles...
I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful Easter Break with your families! We had a fun and busy week here at St. Ann Catholic School. Our 3rd-8th graders have been working hard to get through KITE assessments. On Wednesday, we experienced a beautiful blessing & ribbon cutting of the new playground.