Throughout the month of April our virtues were perseverance and patience. This year our students have had to persevere through many different challenges and they have done so gracefully. They have managed to be in person the entire school year, with so many changes and challenges.
Each week students of the St. Ann Catholic School Class of 2021 will be interviewed LIVE sharing facts about them and their memories of St. Ann. View now by clicking here.
We hope you all had a joyful Easter with your families! As this school year begins to wind down and we begin preparing for next year we have a few announcements to share. Click to read more.
Tiger Trot is PTO’s largest annual fundraiser with proceeds supporting St. Ann Catholic School and Young Child Center (YCC). This year we are excited to kick off a virtual event called, Tiger Trot: The Masked Tiger. Click here to read more and watch the video.
When it comes to teaching the mechanics and morals of technology in 2021, St. Ann technology instructor Christine Lemmon leverages her personal and professional perspective in the classroom
The entire St. Ann community has been dedicated to our Lenten promises and we look forward to the Triduum and the glorious celebration of Easter. We wish all of our families joyous celebrations in the upcoming break.