October has been a month to remember! From our Fall Festival Fiesta, to The Little Mermaid, Jr., our School Carnival, Conferences, Faith Family & House activities, to Halloween Celebrations, it has truly been a blessing to come together to celebrate as a St. Ann Catholic School community!
My name is Paige Davis, and I am the new Technology teacher. This is my first-year teaching and my first year at St. Ann Catholic School. I graduated from Bishop Ward High School in Kansas City, Kansas and have a Bachelor’s degree in Film and Media from Avila University in Kansas City, Missouri. Currently, I am working on my Master’s degree in Elementary Education at Emporia State University.
Sign up for a time on Sunday, November 7 from 10AM - Noon. Families will have the opportunity to meet Teachers and tour classrooms. Click here to schedule a visit.
We have accomplished so much in a short time and I am looking forward to the rest of the year ahead! I hope your families were all able to make our Fall Production of The Little Mermaid, Jr. yesterday.
Every October schools around the nation choose this month to celebrate Bullying Prevention. During this month, schools have two main goals: first, to create a safe and supportive school by educating and informing its students about ways to prevent bullying. And second, to create an environment of kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.